Free Ranking Report for Peterborough Web Designers

Status of Web Designers in Peterborough

A FREE 262 page study entitled “Web Design Company Rankings from Peterborough” can be downloaded by clicking on the box below. The report is typical of what AlterMedia produces for its clients, although with the analysis and recommendations stripped out (a brief overview has been substituted).

The report covers the status of the local market as of March 14th, 2014, and contrasts this with any changes found since the previous month.

The hope is that this information will help local web design firms see areas where they could compete more aggressively, and it also gives the general public a statistical basis to understand the emphasis different companies place on the 100 search terms covered by this research. AlterMedia intends to learn more about the specialities of these companies as time goes on and to highlight these for visitors to this site who are seeking a good fit with a local web design company.

To be clear, AlterMedia has zero interest in doing web site design, but we are frequently asked to make referrals to local web design companies. Given that we wish to keep good relations with all local talent, we restrict our opinions to paying clients, but non-clients are welcome to draw their own conclusions from Google’s statistical profiles of these web design firms. This includes the profiles covered in this report, which demonstrate how authoritative and/or relevant Google has found their sites.

Each month, our clients receive a ranking report similar to the one offered here, so it is important that they understand how to read the data. The first thing to know is that the enormous amount of data in the report is mainly provided for transparency and to support the analytic conclusions normally provided in the first few pages as an Executive Summary. Most clients don’t read any further than this Executive Summary, although they may want to check how their own rank is doing in comparison with a number of their direct rivals, as seen in the Side-By-Side pages starting on page two of the report.

Clients who are more hands-on with their monthly reports occasionally review Appendix A (top organic listings), and B (top AdWords listings). Appendix A shows only those domains whose organic listings appeared on either the first or second page of Google results. Domains having the largest number of these top listings associated with them (for various search phrases) generally constitute the greatest threat, while domains with only a single listing are seldom considered to be a serious rival. Appendix B, showing top AdWords competitors works roughly the same way, although some aspects are unique to the Pay-Per-Click nature of these listings. A quick look at the first page of Appendix C (showing the gross total of organic listings encountered in the research) and Appendix D (showing the gross total of AdWords listings) is also due diligence for our clients, since these appendices show the breadth of a rival’s (or one’s own) relevancy from Google’s perspective. For more details, please read the instructions on the title page of each of the report’s appendices.

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